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(An excellent write up of USJ23's predicament.)

"SIME understands the lifestyle you yearn for.. Come be among the privileged few to experience being ONE with the Environment!

Our houses are specially designed to bring about that rustic living style you so desire. Be pleasantly surprised by the cool dripping sensation of water on your face in the middle of the night. You will think you are lying on a glorious beach at dawn feeling the morning dew on you. Your dreams of rain cascading through your roof and walls have come true!

We understand how the jangling sounds of the pipes is music to your ears. Be assured that the bongo drums specially installed with our plumbing will surprise you with serenades in the wee hours of the morning. If you are lucky, you will know the number of times your neighbour visits the loo!

All you macho men out there, a SIME house is not complete without a gurgling wash basin for you to show off your plumbing skills. Our sinks have state of the art designs that make stoppers unnecessary.. yes.. it clogs up on its own!

We know that the house isn't everything so we take great pains in our location of your castle. Choice land between quarries and a busy interchange have been picked for your dream house. Wake up each morning to a rousing gun-salute courtesy of our quarry. The quality of your health is our greatest concern and that is precisely why we make sure our quarry operators coat your home daily with a generous layer of fine premium quality dust. Breathe in and feel the luxurious dust seeping through your nasal passage down to your lungs. The gentle rumbling of the quarry will bring back the nostalgia of the Flintstones era and you will feel like Fred or Betty. This is also in-line with our political awareness campaign where daily you will experience first hand the sound and tremors of a simulated air-strike, again courtesy of our self-less quarry.

For your recreation pleasure, a death-defying interchange will test your prowess behind the wheel. Have fun with friends and visitors by playing hide and seek, we purposely put up signboards leading to your home in obscure places so that its an adventure for your guests to visit you, that is if they CAN locate your house...aahh.. we know you want your privacy!

Last but not the least, we know how important your children are so to ensure that they spend time at the playground we have designed it such that they will want to spend hours there! Get a hold of this.. imported water-clogged ground for your tiny-tots to splish and splash in. The effects of natural lightning is best enjoyed at twilight, watch them *disappear* in the darkness. Guaranteed hours of fun!

What are you waiting for? Run to the booking office!

Posted - 20/10/2001 :  05:47:27 AM by Celia Alphonsus on USJ23 Neighbourhood Forum

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USJ23 Residents & N/W Pro Tem Committee 2001
12 Jalan USJ 23/3C UEP Subang Jaya 47610 Subang Selangor Malaysia
Telephone: 603-80247143 Fax: 603-80240752
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This page was last updated on Friday, 29. March 2002